Thank you for accepting your proposal to become a valued client

The following information will provide you with some guidance as to what we will be doing next, and information that our team will be in contact to request from you (if you have not already provided)

Let your previous accountants (if you had one) know you intend to move to us:

We have a professional obligation to write to your previous accountants to let them know you are transferring, and request information we need. Don’t be alarmed this is quite a normal process, and we would ask that you let your previous accountants know your intentions before they receive our letter.

Setup your Direct Debit

Sign up to our direct debit facility using Gocardless – we ask that all clients use our direct debit service, you will be sent an invoice which has a “Pay now” button on it – if you click on this it will take you through to set up the direct debit. Please be assured that we will never raise any unexpected charges, and you will always receive a notification days in advance that Gocardless will be taking funds, so there is always an opportunity to discuss this with us should you wish to.

Approving us as your accountants with HMRC:

The next step is for us to become registered to act as your agent with HMRC, you will receive a code by letter from HMRC for each tax we act on your behalf for e.g. PAYE/Corporation Tax/VAT/Self Assessment, to enable us to do this in around the next 10 days. If you could kindly forward this on to us, we would be most grateful. We are only able to apply for this as long as we have been provided with your National Insurance number, UTR (Unique Tax Reference number) and your registered address, if we need any of this information please do get in touch or complete as part of your client portal setup, as described below. Please be advised that it is only valid for a limited time. This is what to look out for:

Creating your Client Portal with us:

You will receive a Client portal link, The client portal can be accessed from our website ( at any time, it is a place we can use to securely to; share documents, send you documents for electronic signature, save a copy of signed documents for access at any point and once you have confirmed all the information is correct. You will always have access to the cloud based system which you can update as necessary, i.e change of address or phone number.

Provide ID:

You will be sent an email with a link to complete an identification check online. Completing this process using your mobile phone has been found to be the easiest way by other users.

If you have any issues completing the process and need help, please call us to arrange a time to complete in one of our offices with our assistance.

Contact us today for your