Autumn Statement 2023 Highlights

Autumn Statement 2023 Highlights Against a backdrop of reducing inflation and greater headroom for spending, the Chancellor announced several tax cuts and boosts to business in his ‘Autumn Statement for Growth’.   Headlines •         Class 2 National Insurance contributions (NICs) will be abolished and the main rate of Class 4 NICs will reduce from 9%…

Plain English guide to depreciation

Getting to grips with the basics of accounting, financial management and business strategy can be a challenge. To make things easier, we’ve created a plain-english guide to depreciation and the impact this accounting term can have on your assets, tax, cash-flow and company accounts. What is depreciation? Depreciation is an accounting term that you’ll hear…

Plain English guide to cashflow

Why is cashflow so central to good financial management? Here’s our plain English guide. What is cashflow? Cashflow refers to the movement of money into and out of your business over a specific period. In the most basic terms, cashflow is the process of cash moving out of the business (cash outflows), and cash coming…